Innovative Products
GBL has six major products with over $100M of Department of Defense (DoD) and Independent Research and Development (R&D) investments. The products InfraTEC, SaigeTEC, FutureOrb Proximity, FutureOrb-ID, CyberFITT, and WolfPack are depicted below:
CyberFITT™ – Portable handheld field-ready digital forensics triage tool designed for on-site assessment of digital storage devices that are subject to be searched or investigated, to supply rapid intelligence to law enforcement professionals and agencies.
FutureOrb-ID™ – Patented technology that was developed as an AWS cloud-native app that implements a two-sided marketplace that connects individuals and organizations related to the control of biometric and identity information. For individuals, it is a centralized portal where they can control and manage their biometric and digital identity. This includes the ability for individuals to globally opt-out and selectively opt-in for the use of their digital identity and biometric information. For businesses, it supplies a SaaS capability that allows them to offload the burden of processing identity and biometric information to FutureOrb-ID which is compliant with international, federal, and state regulations.
FutureOrb® Proximity – Provides technology to create, manage, and deliver custom content to a physical location via a wireless signal. FutureOrb has also received DoD funding to support Sailor 2025 Ready Relevant Learning (RRL) initiatives, by providing the development of mission-based proximal training scenarios for the Navy.
FutureOrb for Incident Response Tracker (FIRST™) – Improves managing, deploying, and viewing Emergency Response Data Sets (ERDS) associated with an incident location.
InfraTEC™ – Consists of various infrastructure technologies and capabilities that include Modeling and Simulation (M&S), Middleware, Gateways and Adaptors, 5G Networking, and Distributed Test and Evaluation (T&E).
SaigeTEC® – Premier product of GBL’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) Domain of Warfare Product Family. The SaigeTEC product consists of advanced AI Distributed Intelligent Agent (DIA) technologies and AI/Machine Learning (ML) algorithms for advanced decision aides, multi-domain automated planning, and improved autonomy of warfighting systems.
WolfPack® – Business-to-Consumer (B2C), Business-to-Business (B2B), and Business-to-Government (B2G) social e-commerce technology that was developed by GBL as a part of a National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Pilot Program. WolfPack supported the SoCal Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Program network, which is an outgrowth of the U.S. Government policy to develop and deploy technology, management, and technical expertise for improving the competitiveness of manufacturing for small and medium-sized companies.