Information Technology Support
GBL provides an array of Information Technology (IT) consulting, development, and testing services to government defense agencies and other defense contractors. GBL’s consulting services include feasibility studies, system upgrades, project management, and prototyping. Development services include specifications and design, coding and implementation, system/software integration, and training and operational deployment of IT systems. We also offer testing services such as independent system review, verification, and analysis.
GBL provides extensive systems engineering and software integration support for the InterTEC Net-Centric Test and Evaluation (T&E) program sponsored by the Office of the Secretary of Defense Combined Test and Evaluation Investment Program (CTEIP). GBL also fulfills technical oversight and advisory roles for the Net-Centric Systems Test (NST) Science and Technology (S&T) Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) Program.
Cyberspace Interoperability T&E
Supports Development of Operational T&E Methodology
Defines repeatable process for determining “live fire equivalent”
CND and CNA Test & Evaluation
Including use of simulations, distributed test networks, test plans, data collection, analysis, instrumentation, and reporting
Created the TRMC Cyber Test Technology Area
Navy Web-Hosting Capabilities
Maintain the Technology Insertion Environment Center in the GBL Facility
Incubator for S&T Projects
More specifically, GBL offers IT-related services in the following areas:
In addition to IT services, GBL provides project management, financial planning and analysis, accounting and auditing, and strategic business planning services. GBL has a proven track record for controlling costs, maintaining schedules, and delivering unsurpassed performance. For more information about these services, please contact us.
Spectrum Access Technologies
GBL supports the Spectrum Access Research and Development (SARD) Program in the area of Multi-band Conformal Antennas for Airborne Platforms such as Missiles, Aircraft, and Target Drones.
SARD is an effort funded by Test Resource Management Center (TRMC) that addresses development, characterization and maturation of utilizing conformal antennas and maximizing performance for maintaining telemetry range wireless links.
In addition, GBL supports advanced communication systems (4G/5G) being utilized by the Department of Defense (DoD). GBL was involved in an Army training 5G AR/VR program for a rapid prototyping project activity.