Biometric and Identity Protection Technology
FutureOrb-ID allows individuals and organizations to control, manage, and assess the control and protection of associated biometric and identity information.
Control Identity Information
Easily opt-in or opt-out of your biometric and identity information being accessed, using the online FutureOrb-ID dashboard controls.
Monitor Use of Identity Information
Once registered, individuals can track and control where, when, and how their biometric and identity information is being accessed.
Offload Identity Processing
Organizations use our identity processing SaaS solution to offload the process of biometric and identity information.
Centralized Opt-In/Opt-Out System
Organizations can query FutureOrb-ID’s centralized opt-in/opt-out system and avoid the need to develop it themselves.
Get started with GBL Systems Corporation solutions on AWS
To learn more about FutureOrb-ID, please download the corresponding brochure here or visit the FutureOrb-ID website and sign-up today!
Case Study
GBL Partners with Navy (NAVSEA) for Beta Testing of FutureOrb-ID
Develop an enterprise biometric authentication system (e.g., facial recognition, palm prints, etc.) to allow access of personnel at the FATHOMWERX facility. Protect Navy personnel biometric information utilizing the FutureOrb-ID services.
Utilize FutureOrb-ID to rapidly prototype an access control interface for FATHOMWERX facility and provide individuals with both opt-in/opt-out biometrics control and face-masking service using an on-premises AI-powered AWS camera coupled with an AWS cloud-powered backend. *
Customers can rest assured that access to their facility is protected and limited to those with a legitimate need to access while conforming to all regulations governing biometric data. Users of the facility can choose to access using their biometric data or opt out if they prefer.
* Dept of Navy endorsement is not implied, collaborative efforts conducted under Cooperative Research and Development Agreement N63394-22-0003 with the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Port Hueneme Division.
Establishes an individual's account and connects an individual's biometric and identity information to FutureOrb-ID
Establishes an organization's account and connects their biometric and identity business processes to FutureOrb-ID's SaaS capabilities.
Enables individuals to control and protect their biometric and identity information.
Allows individuals to globally opt-out and/or opt-in to an organization's use of their biometric and identity information.
Updates individual images using advanced Counter-AI to effectively ghost them in the image, by poisoning an unauthorized organization's ability to build or maintain effective biometric databases comprised of images scraped from public or social media.
For organizations, the FutureOrb-ID SaaS capabilities protect organizations by offloading the processing of individuals' biometric and identity information, ensuring regulatory compliance.
Monitors and provides metrics for individuals on which organizations are using their biometric and identity information.
Supplies metrics for organizations regarding their use of an individual's biometric and identity information.