Cognitive Computing
GBL’s products and services with the Navy have created cutting-edge cognitive Electronic Warfare (EW) used primarily to disrupt, disable, degrade, or deceive an enemy’s command and control, thereby crippling the enemy’s ability to make effective and timely decisions, while simultaneously protecting and preserving friendly command and control.
GBL is actively engaged in the research and development of cutting-edge electronic warfare applications, including but not limited to computer network operations (attack, defense, and exploitation) and Machine Learning Algorithms (MLA). Additional projects include:
Intelligent-agent-based combat decision aids
Self-organizing network-centric applications
Cognitive flight path re-planning
Joint Strike Fighter Mission Planning Environment Common Order of Battle Component
More specifically, GBL offers EW-related services in the following areas:
Supports Multiple EW Future Naval Capabilities (FNCs) and Program of Record
Intelligent Collaborative Engagement (ICE)
Collaborative Electronic Attack (CEA) Enabling Capabilities
Supports Manned and Unmanned Collaborative EW Platforms
Coherent Net-Centric Spectrum Attack
Advanced Electronic Attack Measures
EA-18G Electronic Warfare Capability for Agile and Adaptive Emitters
Efforts include the use of Intelligent Agents, Artificial Intelligence, and MLAs
Phase III SBIR contract Electronic Combat Decision Support System (ECDSS)
Supports Automated Electronic Warfare Battle Management (EWBM), Jam Effectiveness Assessment, Situational Awareness Displays and Decision Support Advisories
EW Threat Modeling
Develop Software for the OneSAF Army Application for Advanced Threat Simulation
Develop Software for the Navy Next-Generation Threat System (NGTS)
The effort involved working with Threat Simulation Management Office (TSMO) Huntsville, and NAWCAD Patuxent River