GBL Systems Corporation

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Fostering AI Education: GBL Systems Engages with Thomas Aquinas College Students

Thomas Aquinas College (TAC) is well-known for its classical curriculum, but its integration of modern technology is equally noteworthy. On April 15, 2024, Dr. Michael Soltys, a representative from GBL Systems, delivered a presentation on modern generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) to twenty TAC students at the Dumb Ox Café. Throughout his presentation, Dr. Soltys covered various aspects of AI, ranging from fundamental concepts to an overview of its historical development.

Furthermore, in December 2023, GBL Systems enrolled several TAC students in their Amazon Web Services (AWS) Digital Upskill initiative. This program offers training in AWS Cloud Foundations as part of a sponsored initiative by the Economic Development Collaborative (EDC).

GBL Systems is pleased to support its partnership with TAC and looks forward to further developing this relationship in the years ahead.

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